You are NOT Alone!
Parent-Child Center assists victims of Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault and Child Abuse.

The Parent-Child Center is a private non-profit agency offering confidential bilingual services to victims and their families who have been touched by Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault and Child Abuse.
El Parent Child Center es una agencia privada sin fines de lucro que ofrece servicios bilingües confidenciales a las víctimas y sus familias que han sido afectadas por la Violencia Doméstica, El Asalto Sexual y el Abuso Infantil.

Parent-Child Center
Our Services included:
Crisis intervention and referral
Bilingual Advocacy
24 hour Crisis Line in English
Linea de Crisis en Español - Monday-Friday 9am -5pm
Emergency shelter
Safety planning
Legal advocacy
Criminal justice support
Medical advocacy
Protection order assistance
Emergency financial aid
Emergency transportation
Support groups
VINE information and registration
Emotional support.
There is no charge for these services. All services are completely confidential.

Volunteer Opportunities
The Crisis Line is a service of The Parent-Child Center. It operates as a 24-hour telephone service for emergency and non-emergency situations. The Crisis Line is run by a group of volunteers that answer calls after hours. It was designed to help victims of domestic violence, sexual assault & child abuse.
The Purple Door is a non-profit thrift store that is a supportive entity for programming at The Parent-Child Center. We need help sorting clothes, stocking the store, and would love to have help running the store so that we can keep our main focus on helping our clients. This is a nonpaid position, but we can offer credit in the store for hours worked.
Please see the Get Involved page for more information on volunteering.
Parent-Child Center’s Client Non-Discrimination Policy
Parent-Child Center will not deny services to any victim of domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking dating violence, or human trafficking based on actual or perceived age, race, color, religion, gender, ethnicity, national origin, marital status, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, health state, HIV status, employment states, immigration status, disability, or physical or cognitive ability.
El Centro de Padres e Hijos Politica de no discriminacion del cliente
El Centro de Padre e Hijos no negara los servicios a ninguna victima de violencia domestica, agresioon sexual, acoso a persecucion, violencia de pareja o trafico de personas segun la edad, raza, color, religion, genero, origen etnisidad, origen nacional, estado civil, sexo, identidad de genero, orientacion sexual, estado socioeconomico, estado de salud, estado de VIH, estado laboral, estado de inmigracion, discapacidad o capacidad fisica o cognitiva.
Parent-Child Center provides support and resources to all survivors including those with disabilities or who require assistance in accessing services. Accessible services meet survivors where they are, provide methods that allow survivors to communicate with the program and participate in services, and ensure that their services are open and inclusive. Appropriate steps will be taken to ensure that persons with disabilities, including persons who are deaf, hard of hearing, or blind, or who have other sensory or manual impairments, have an equal opportunity to participate in our services and programs. all necessary aids are provided free of charge.
Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Non-Discrimination and Confidentiality Policy for service users
As a part of the process of making organizations more inclusive of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and questioning (LGBTQ) people, it is essential that non-discrimination and anti-harassment policies include language specifically addressing sexual orientation and gender identity or expression. By promoting an open, accepting environment with employment as well as service outreach and delivery practices, the organization commitment to serve those in need without prejudice is affirmed.
As part of its commitment to provide services to those in need without discrimination or harassment, Parent-Child Center promotes an environment that is accepting and encouraging to transgender service users. Service users identifying as transgender shall receive support and accommodation from Parent-Child Center in determining their needs. Pronouns used and clothing provided shall reflect the gender with which the survivor identifies, and confidentiality shall be respected in regards to disclosures concerning transgender status, medical history or sexual orientation.
Parent-Child Center seeks to provide a supportive environment for LGBTQ employees and service users by treating with respect those persons who are open about their sexual orientation or gender identity. Parent-Child Center also recognizes that some people might not wish to share this information with fellow employees, services users, or others involved in the organization and is equally dedicated to respecting the confidentiality of those persons. Employees, volunteers, and other individuals involved in the operation of PCC will never reveal sensitive information about an individual’s sexual orientation or gender identity without the person's express written consent. Those in violation of this policy will be subject to disciplinary action as detailed in Parent-Child Center’s policies.